The first two and the fourth use the algorithm mentioned above, the first one use the shear cost with respect to the previous carved image, and the second use the shear cost WRT to the original image, the fourth use a big alpha value. All three are compared with the third one, i.e. the scaled original image, 75% of original width is kept. Notice that lena is less narrowed (face hat and shoulder) with image carve method. If alpha is very small (first two images), the connectivity is high, and vise versa. So in the last image above (very low connectivity), artifacts are obvious. and for small alpha, seam
s tend to be connected.
The right image showed all the seams that carved out from the
original image. The black line showed in the left image is the first seam to carved out. It is not satisfy the connectivity constraint, but can give superior results because it can achieve optimum min-cost during DP. The downside of this algorithm is the computational complexity, but, it is highly parallelable, can benifit from high performance GPU computing.