Saturday, September 3, 2011

New Image Swirl Launched!


This summer, teamed up with two other Google interns Xin Yan and David Vetrano, I took 20% time and created a new image image swirl exploration tool. Inspired by Google maps' intuitive and smooth UI, we aimed to build a similar UI to explore large sets of images. We organize the image so that similar images are located closer on the 'image map'.

Here is what we have done:
1. Get images that returned by image search for a query word.
2. Build a large 'image map', so that similar images are located closer to each other.
3. Design a UI: 'Pan' to show different parts of the map and 'zoom' to show different granularity of similarity.

Since similar images are located tightly, we think this would work great on small display devices. We further speculate that pinch-to-zoom is a perfect match to this UI.

Check it out and let me know what do you think!

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