This project is to tell you how to find a suitable male or female who you think is pretty, in a systematic manner, using online resources (for CV geeks only :)).
1. Download all the image from Flickr only with geo-tag and following tags: woman, girl, single, home.... (done)
2. Select some image of girls you think is bueatiful (positive samples) and not so bueatiful (negtive samples)
3. Using any face detection algrithm (as for me i will use openCV for convience) to detect all the faces in the database you just downloaded.
4. Extract SIFT or GIST or other features from the faces you just got from the database. You can weight each feature the contribution according to their performances.
5. Train the SVM or other linear classifiers with 'positive' and 'negtive' faces in samples.
6. Use the trained SVM to find all the positive faces in database.
7. Now, you get all the females/males who is single and you think pretty, and you know where her home is.
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