Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Motion analysis Using Ultra-high Temporal Resolution Camera (Proposal)

Proposed system can detect high-speed-moving objects in heavy-ocluded environment (like forest), in which most of current motion detection technique will fail. I proposed a novel motion estimation scheme which can settle this problems and enble parellel implementations.

Some ideas towards this proposal:
1.Current motion estimation is based on two consecuted images in a video stream, about 30fps. This is not what we human do to detect motion. Although our eyes' temporal resolution is about 50fps, but it is during that period of exposure to the scene (1s/50) we perceive motion information, not after.
2.Current methods cannot tackle occlusion well unless using fancy but complicated tricks.
3.One interesting paper: CVPR 2008 "Motion from Blur"
4.Such camera is available on the market with a reasonable price, Casio EX-FH20 and EX-F1 with astonishing 1200fps!
5.The result could be carried out in parellel so that we can us GPU to do that.

Preliminary Experiment Result:
Gone are complexed feature-extraction or classic optical flow methods, just simple image-shift and sum can get the job done!

1 comment:

Tingyi Gu (Flora) said...

I did not know image processing is an art.